I have a batch of cases in Packaging status that need to be dispatched and I would like to generate labels for all of them simultaneously.
What are the steps?
Step 1: Select Quick Actions button located on the top right corner of the Orders Page
Step 2: Click on "Create New Batch"
Step 3: Select cases from the Orders List by clicking on the ThickBox on the left of each case
Step 4: Click on Add to Batch button
Step 5: Click On Saved batch
Step 6: Click On Generate Labels or Exit Batch View
Please Note:
1. The Exit batch View button will not delete the batch. If you need to clear a batch selection, you can just use the Cancel Batch button.
2. If there is an error in the Shipping Address, the system will not be able to generate labels, and you will have to edit the address to the correct requirements.