If you need to edit the Product Standards names or disable any of them, follow these steps:
Step 1: Access the Products Setup Billing Section
Begin by navigating to the Settings tab within your system.
Once there, select the Products Setup tab to view your list of standards
Step 2: Locate the Enable/Disable toggle button
Use the toggle button next to each standard, to Disable/Enable a specific Standard
Step 3: Locate the pencil button next to "Standards"
Please locate the pencil button icon next to the Standards and click on it.
Edit the desired Standard name in the pop-up window
Step 4: Save your changes
Click on the Save & Next button to apply your changes
Please note:
N/A stands for Not Applicable - and it is used for Additional Product Category
If your Product Catalogue contains any Additional categories, you should make sure that N/A Standard is enabled.